With help from BMA's public relations campaign, UA Local 50 was recognized for their volunteer work.
It’s great when we are able to execute a public relations campaign for a client and then able to quickly witness the positive results we had hoped to achieve.
The positive media coverage we have helped the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters and Service Mechanics Local 50 generate has been quite rewarding.

The project started in June shortly after the Mayor of Toledo was squaring off with the Toledo City Council over the budget and whether or not there was enough money to operate two city pools located in the more racially-diverse sections of the city.
The pools needed costly repairs and revenue was thin. Local 50, along with Laborers Local 500 and Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 886 stepped up. They volunteered their services and also helped obtain needed equipment and materials to repair the pools so they could open.
When it was time to open the first pool, a member of Toledo City Council scheduled a press conference. We helped Local 50 Business Manager Lou Szabo prepare for the event, providing some suggested talking points and providing the media easy access to photos of his members working on the pool.
When the cameras were rolling, Lou nailed it, garnering more air time than some of the city officials.
Before work on the second pool was finished, two additional media events were held so other organizations could thank the local trade unions for their volunteer efforts. We suggested to Local 50 that we would create an image to print on some American-made beach towels that Local 50 could then hand out during these upcoming media events.

We delivered 200 towels to Local 50 in time for the second media event and again provided some suggested talking points to help prepare. And again, Lou and the towels received substantial coverage by a local TV station and the daily newspaper.
Lou was unable to attend the opening of the second pool, so we provided material and a prepared statement to his replacement. A final opportunity to highlight the positive contributions Local 50 is making in their home communities came when the City Council approved a resolution officially thanking the labor unions for their volunteer work fixing the pools.
This two-month campaign incorporates just some of the tools we have at our disposal to help your union. Give me a call or send me an email to ask how Labor Tools powered by BMA Media Group can help.
To review local media coverage related to the events, click on the following links:
LaborTools powered by BMA Media Group is used to help strengthen our union client’s organizations. From working with unions from the local level to the international, with training funds and labor management partnerships, as well as other labor organizations, BMA has experience with organizations of all sizes. We are here to create and implement unique and customized marketing campaigns for our clients.
At BMA, we offer services in the following categories: union event services (from writing the history of your union to executing the logistics of an event,) video production, website design, union marketing campaigns, print and broadcast advertising, social media management, development of print materials, building trades industry education, labor public relations and crisis management, union merchandise, as well as strategic branding and marketing of union organizations.
BMA Media Group is a Union Building Trades Contractor, signatory with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 673 and International Union of Painters and Allied Trades DC 6 / Sign Display and Allied Trades Local 639. BMA Media Group is also signatory with AFTRA and an affiliate contractor of the Cleveland Chapter of NECA.